That's the old me. Big Brian. In the neighborhood of 340 lbs! The top picture was taken at a Colorado Rockies game in September 2004. The first picture below was taken in December 2004 while we were cutting our Christmas tree. The third picture isn't really a before picture, can you believe I had already lost about 25 lbs at that point! Wow. At the end of 2004 I was wearing size 48 pants and XXXL shirts. In March 2005 I joined Weight Watchers. I went in looking for help in losing weight because I had no idea how to -- it was the first time in my life that I had tried to lose weight. What I found was not a "diet" though, it was a change in lifestyle. A diet is something that you are someday finished with. I plan on eating and acting healthy for the rest of my life. I'm done being Big Brian. In addition to the support of Weight Watchers, I could not have accomplished any of this without the support of my wife Shawn who started this journey with me.
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